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Theophilus College of Nursing


The faculty of Nursing in Theophilus College of Nursing believes that Nursing is a profession which is based on a continuously evolving body of scientific knowledge. Nursing is a service which has a holistic concept considering the uniqueness of human being who is an integration of physical, mental, intellectual, social and spiritual domains.
We believe that health is a dynamic state as the person adapt to changes in the internal or external environment to maintain a state of physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual wellbeing. We believe that a basic degree programme in Nursing (Bachelor of science in Nursing) shall be designed to enable young men and women with essential basic knowledge, skill and attitude to render professional nursing service at first level position in hospital, community and also in education, administration and research areas of Nursing.

We believe that the curriculum of BSc Nursing course should provide opportunities for developing cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains of the students. The teacher in Nursing shall hold graduate, post graduate or doctoral degree in Nursing and shall possess integrity of personality and shall be role models to the students who shall contribute at the maximum level to the development of profession and students. Teachers also have the responsibility to broaden their knowledge through continuous learning. We believe that the learning is a lifelong process and the learners in Nursing shall be able to extend the horizons of knowledge and skill through continuing education in Nursing.